I'm Laura

Nice to Meet You

I have worked for many years as a doctor and continue to work as a General Practitioner at a busy private practice in Kensington. Throughout my career, I have spent a large proportion of my time helping women.

The patients that I see are often struggling with juggling the various different aspects of their lives and this has a huge impact on their wellbeing; both in an emotional and physical sense.

In my experience, I find that the times of greatest struggle are during times of change. And in my work as a coach, I love to help people with that. These are often big life events such as having a baby, changing direction in their career, going back to work after children, divorce or during the hormonal chaos of menopause. They may be adjusting to a new role and new outlook on life.  

"Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our fears"

Women often aren't even aware that what they're experiencing is due to menopause. I've had so many women who've come to see me thinking they're getting early onset dementia: they just can't keep up at work or are experiencing significant anxiety or low mood (or even both).

I've been lucky to have a successful career as a doctor for nearly 20 years. During this time I've gained a huge amount of experience in all walks of life. In my medical practice, I have realised that many patients were coming to me for non-medical issues and hence I decided to train as a life coach to be able to offer more than a purely medical approach to their problems.

Which brings me to why I do what I do...

In addition to my professional experience, I have my own personal experience as a mother. I have far too much first hand knowledge of the daily juggle of work and family life and all the curveballs that can throw at you.

As a coach I'm passionate about helping people navigate challenging transitions in their lives and want to help them to be able to live the life they really want.

I'm really excited to work with you and help you start living the life you want to, please feel free to get in touch or book in for a complimentary consultation.

love Laura xo